Dental Insurance in Alberta Explained Further

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These days it seems that, for a lot of people, having dental insurance significantly impacts their ability to seek out the oral health care that we all need and deserve. Understanding the ins and outs of such coverage will help ease any worries you might have about receiving – and paying – for treatment.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, feel free to reach out to our local dental clinic in McKenzie Towne. Our staff are here to help you however we can.


An In-Depth Look 

For those of us who reside in the province of Alberta, dental health is not covered by the government, or the Canadian Health Act. But a large majority of companies and employers do offer their workers some form of coverage; the extent of this coverage typically differs from one business to another.

Alternatively, for who do not receive dental insurance at work, are self employed or retired, options are available to purchase dental insurance plans that meet their needs and budget.


What Does Dental Insurance Cover?

The majority of dental insurance plans available will cover the cost of preventive dental care which includes routine dental exams, dental cleanings, and annual x-rays. Some plans may also offer coverage for basic restorative dental treatments such as dental fillings, but you may be required to pay more out of pocket in these instances.

There are four basic categories that you will find when searching for dental insurance plans: basic, comprehensive basic, major services and orthodontic services.

Basic dental care: this plan includes preventative treatments such as dental cleanings and x-rays. This plan allows for your teeth to be professionally cleaned and x-rays will scan for potential cavities. However, this plan will not cover dental fillings needed

Comprehensive basic care: this plan includes procedures such as root canal therapy and dental fillings. This type of dental plan is the most popular as there is a much higher cost attached to the provision of these services.

Major services: this plan covers more complex restorative treatments such as dental crowns, dental bridges, and dentures. Having insurance that provides this coverage is a good idea as these treatments are a major undertaking and can result in an expensive visit to the dentist especially when these treatments were unplanned.

Orthodontic services: this plan covers the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of misalignment of the teeth. Braces is the treatment that falls under this category, which focuses on the correction of a patient’s bite.



With all that said, a lot of people assume that when they’re extended dental insurance, it will cover 100% of their treatments; this is a very common misconception. In reality, what typically happens is what’s known as a co-payment agreement. This means that your insurance provider will cover half or a bit more than half of the cost and then you’ll have to pay the remainder.

But how much do I have to pay when I visit a dentist in McKenzie Towne?

That’s a great question; unfortunately, there’s no standard answer. It all depends on the type of plan you have.

Health plans, whether it’s concerning dental, prescription, or mental health services, for example, can offer users a maximum spending plan or outline a pre-approved number of visits to see a certain type of professional each year.

Regarding dental plans more specifically, basic treatments and ones that are deemed medically necessary are often what’s covered. This includes the following: routine cleanings and checkups, x-rays, dental fillings, root canal therapy, tooth extractions, and dental crowns.

It’s always a wise idea to talk with your employer, your insurance provider, and your dentist in McKenzie Towne to gather as much information as possible. They’ll be able to answer any questions you have.


Direct Billing 

Direct billing is a service that your dentist near you will most likely provide; this is very common in most dental clinics. What this means is that, once your appointment concludes, the dental clinic will send the bill for your treatment to the insurance company as opposed to having it go through multiple hands. Many people prefer this because they don’t have to worry about as much, if any, paperwork.

And should you require any more information to move forward and feel comfortable, don’t hesitate to let your dental team know! We have more details on understanding dental insurance in Alberta on our blog, click here to learn more.

At our local dental clinic in McKenzie Towne, we’re here to aid you with all your oral health endeavors. Contact us via phone, email, or stop by and see us in person to schedule a visit that works for you.

We’ll see you soon!
